A Message from the 搜索 Committee Co-Chairs


When our committee began its work seven months ago, we aimed high. In selecting Castilleja’s next Head of School, we sought a leader who is eminently qualified, 致力于女童教育, gifted with empathy and a vision for the future. 

今天, on behalf of the search committee and the entire board of trustees, we are excited to provide you with this update:


Dr. 贝蒂Noel-Pierre embodies the 5Cs that define Castilleja’s values: Courage, 良心, 礼貌, 慈善机构, 和性格. She knows firsthand the power of girls’ education, 从学生的角度来看, 一个老师, 学校领导, 和受托人.

Dr. Noel-Pierre earned her PhD in molecular genetics and microbiology from Stony Brook University. She has been a beloved science teacher for middle school, upper school and university students. 在过去的几年里, she has served as head of the upper school at the all-girls Brearley School in New York. And starting next summer, she will be the 8th Head of School in Castilleja’s 117-year history.

热门网赌软件大全鼓励你阅读Dr. Noel-Pierre’s welcome message below, and to learn more about her impressive combination of teaching experience and academic accomplishment in 她的生物. 遴选委员会的成员, and everyone who has met her during this process, believe Betty will be an innovative and inspiring head of school for the coming generation of Casti students—someone we can all feel confident and proud to entrust with our daughters’ education.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Acting Head of School Kathy Layendecker and the entire faculty and staff of Castilleja for their support during this process; to Julia Eells for taking the reins this summer as Interim Head of School for the 2024-25 school year; and to you, 社区, for maintaining your faith in Castilleja’s mission during this year of transition.

Castilleja’s future is bright, and we can rest assured that it is in good hands.

奥德特·哈里斯P ' 22 P ' 24
Jeffrey Wong P ' 24 P ' 24

医生的留言. 贝蒂Noel-Pierre


I am beyond thrilled to be Castilleja’s next Head of School. I am a deep believer in the power of girls' education and the importance of empowering young women to be deep thinkers and compassionate leaders. I am a product of a girls’ k-12 education; the academic curiosity and values it instilled in me have guided me throughout my life–as I obtained my PhD in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology and pursued a career in education as 一个老师 and administrator. Castilleja’s mission and values resonate with me and I am drawn by the spirit of innovation, excellence and collaboration for which it is well known. 

When I consider the wonderful opportunity ahead, I am inspired by the possibilities. While I know we have a lengthy construction schedule ahead of us, 它将产生一个美丽的新, 可持续发展的21世纪校园. Imagine what we will create with our dedicated professional community and motivated students. 当你变得明亮, enthusiastic young women and give them a supportive and innovative learning environment, there are endless opportunities to look forward to. I am filled with optimism and delight as I dream about all we will accomplish together! 

作为职业教育工作者, I know that relationships form the foundation of excellent schools like Castilleja. 在未来的一年里, I look forward to building those connections with you, 听你们卡斯蒂人的故事, and learning more about why Castilleja is so important to you and your family. I also look forward to introducing you to my family—my husband, 安东尼, 还有四个孩子, 格拉迪斯(19), 朱莉安娜(14), AJ (12), and Andrew (7)—as we transition to life in Palo Alto.










教学 & 学习反种族主义

Castilleja School must address racism and racialization with honesty, 勇气, 以及清晰的信念, ensuring that Castilleja’s teaching and learning of antiracism engenders sustainable change.



智力参与, collaborative and interdisciplinary, a Castilleja 6th through 12th grade education is carefully scaffolded to allow each student the opportunity to become her best and most authentic self.




Castilleja's unique leadership development program is woven seamlessly throughout the daily lives of students in and out of the classroom.



By engaging in a variety of hands-on making, 修修补补, 工程项目, students hone core competencies that empower them as innovators.







    Castilleja admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, 招生政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, and athletic and other school-administered 项目.

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