Portrait of an Alum

Castilleja School alumnae leadership

Beyond Castilleja

Our community and the impact of Castilleja’s program extends far beyond Palo Alto. From Olympians to Presidential Cabinet members to award-winning filmmakers, Castilleja alumnae embody a powerful network of influential change-makers across a variety of industries. Regardless of their chosen profession or level of distinction, Castilleja graduates are compassionate and informed leaders, as well as key contributors in their chosen community. Learn more about alumnae impact here.

My education at Castilleja was instrumental in shaping my world view and showing me the significance of community and collective responsibility. I carry those lessons with me to this day.Ashley D’Amour ’05, Brand Strategy Director at Huge Inc.

As a student, I benefited greatly from women who supported me in my dream to become a physician.Dr. Shira Lipton '97

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